Politechnika Częstochowska - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Business-to business-marketing WZ-QPM-D1-BBM-02
Wykład (WYK) Semestr zimowy 2022/2023

Informacje o zajęciach (wspólne dla wszystkich grup)

Liczba godzin: 15
Limit miejsc: (brak limitu)
Zaliczenie: Zaliczenie na ocenę
Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

Basic resources:

1. C.Hackley, Advertising and Promotion, Sage, 2005.

2. J.Egan, Relationship Marketing, Pearson, 2011

3. G.Elliot, S.Rundle, D.Waller, Marketing, J.Willey&Sons, 2012

Supplementary resources:

1. O.Lingqvist, C. Lun Plotkin, J. Stanley, The B2B Customer Decision Journey: The Route To Increased

Sales (https://www.forbes.com/sites/mckinsey/2013/04/24/the-b2b-customer-decision-journey-theroute-to-increased-sales/#234023064c67)

2. The Impact of the Digital World on Management and Marketing (pod red. G.Mazurek, J.Tkaczyk), Kozminski University, 2016

3. K.Bachnik, Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing, SGH, 2016.

Efekty uczenia się: (tylko po angielsku)

EU 1 - Student can present the purchase procedures in organisations.

EU 2 – Student can design a methodology for specific research purpose.

EU 3 - Student can segment the B2B market.

EU 4 - Student is able to prepare a marketing strategy for the enterprise operating in the B2B sector

Metody i kryteria oceniania: (tylko po angielsku)

F1. Evaluation of the implementation tasks in the classroom.

F2. Evaluation of the projects prepared by students.

P1. Final test.

EU 1:

2,0 - Student can’t present the purchase procedures in organisations.

3,0 - Student can present the purchase procedures in organisations.

4,0 - Student can present the purchase procedures in organisations and indicate members of

5,0 - Student can present the purchase procedures in organisations and

indicate members of


2,0 - Student can’t create methodology for particular research purpose.

3,0 - Student can create methodology for particular research purpose.

4,0 - Student can create methodology for particular research purpose

5,0 - Student can create methodology for particular research purpose and design adequate research tool.


2,0 - Student can’t segment the B2B market.

3,0 - Student can segment the B2B market.

4,0 - Student can segment the B2B market and indicate briefly options for

placement of an offer.

5,0 - Student can segment the B2B market and indicate options for placement of an offer


2,0 - Student is not able to prepare a marketing strategy for the enterprise

operating in the B2B sector.

3,0 - Student is able to prepare general overview of a marketing strategy for the enterprise operating in the B2B sector.

4,0 - Student is able to prepare some parts marketing strategy for the enterprise operating in the B2B

5,0 - Student is able to prepare a complete marketing strategy for the enterprise operating in the B2B

Zakres tematów: (tylko po angielsku)

W1- Marketing- its defining, core issues, philosophy. 1h

W2,3- B2B sector characteristic, B2B marketing 2h

W4- Buying procedure in organisations 1h

W5- Market research 1h

W6- Marketing segmentation 1h

W7- Marketing strategies 1h

W8- Marketing-mix for the B2B sector 1h

W9 – Product placement 1h

W10-Products and their quality in the B2B sector. Life cycles of products. 1h

W11- Price startegies 1h

W12 – Promotion mix 1h

W13- Creation of relations during purchase processes - the role of personal selling in B2B marketing 1h

W14- Internal marketing 1h

W15- CSR, sustainability of business. 1h

Metody dydaktyczne: (tylko po angielsku)

1. Books and papers in different types of specialist publications.

2. Audiovisual presentation

3. Case study

Grupy zajęciowe

zobacz na planie zajęć

Grupa Termin(y) Prowadzący Miejsca Liczba osób w grupie / limit miejsc Akcje
1 każdy piątek, 10:15 - 11:00, sala WZ-8
Katarzyna Łazorko, Sławomir Kowalski 20/ szczegóły
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Wydział Zarządzania - Aula
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